The Facilitator’s Toolkit

The Facilitator’s Toolkit is a short course that will refresh the basics of facilitator style and provide you with new ways and confidence to lead groups and teams. It is designed for those who want to consolidate, broaden and enliven their style of facilitation. Whilst you will be provided with facilitation models, tools and tips, we recognise that the greatest resource you bring to groups is yourself and the impact that you have in engaging, leading and developing others.

About The Course

In this two day workshop you will explore your role as group facilitator with particular attention to skills practice and awareness building in the live group setting.

We will introduce you to Dimensions of Facilitator Style, a practical toolkit designed to equip you with the confidence and skill to effectively handle group processes and group tasks, paying attention to structure and interventions before, during and after an event. You will learn how to direct and guide groups hierarchically, and to work in cooperative and autonomous ways too, as appropriate. You will be encouraged to become aware of your own skills, experience, personality and preferences, and use and flex your facilitator style with self-awareness, authority and personal presence.

Course Content

This is an introductory course in facilitation, but it is not basic. If you are looking for a core facilitation model, and are keen to develop your personal style - then this is for you. Practical skills will include:

  • Planning and structuring a facilitated session
  • Contracting, setting and managing expectations
  • Being a catalyst for learning and development – moving things forward
  • Handling emotions, particularly where they hinder group effectiveness
  • Challenging and confronting limiting behaviours and attitudes
  • Working with the prevailing group dynamics to create positive outcomes

Who is this for?

Typically, people who attend The Facilitator’s Toolkit are:

  • working within an organisation as a change agent, group/team leader, manager, director  or project manager
  • in chairing roles at meetings with developmental, strategic or operational purpose (be that business, charity or education)
  • occasionally called upon to facilitate groups, meetings and teams
  • working as a consultant, change agent, trainer to a client organisation
  • embarking upon a career in facilitation or leadership

Costs, Dates, Location and Application

The cost of this two day open course is £780. This price includes VAT, lunch and all course materials but does not include an overnight stay (approximately £80-100pn). This module can be taken with the  module as part of the programme leading to accreditation.

If you are interested in attending please also read the information for participants and complete the application form.